OK |
OK |
No |
The solution is accepted |
The solution works correctly on the corresponding set of test cases |
Compilation error |
CE |
No |
Compilation of the solution failed |
1. Syntax or semantic error in the solution 2. Solution language was chosen incorrectly |
Wrong answer |
WA |
Yes |
Incorrect output on one of the test cases |
1. A mistake in the solution 2. Wrong algorithm |
Presentation error |
PE |
Yes |
Output cannot be checked as its format doesn’t satisfy the requirements |
1. Incorrect output format 2. No output at all 3. Extra output |
Time-limit exceeded |
TL |
Yes |
The solution exceeded the time limit |
1. A mistake in the solution 2. The solution isn’t efficient enough |
Memory limit exceeded |
ML |
Yes |
The solution exceeded the memory limit |
1. A mistake in the solution (eg.: infinite recursion) 2. The solution isn’t efficient enough |
Output limit exceeded |
OL |
Yes |
The solution exceeded the output limit |
1. A mistake in the solution (eg.: infinite recursion) |
Run-time error |
RE |
Yes |
The solution stopped working with a non-zero exit code |
1. Runtime error 2. The solution doesn’t end with “return 0” in case of C/C++ 3. Non-zero exit code is manually specified 4. Java solution is in a package |
Precompile check failed |
No |
The solution doesn’t pass precompile checks |
1. Bad code style 2. Other code checks are not passed. Check the statements or submission report |
Idelness limit exceeded |
IL |
Yes |
The solution was idle too long |
1. Solution expects extra input 2. flush() is missing |